
Energy Efficient Ethereum release details of their EEE Token

Energy Efficient Ethereum (EEE) is a token that answers the need for more climate-friendly crypto-mining.

We have teamed up with Oairo, a patented and proven air-conditioning technology that can reduce the power consumption necessary for cooling computer units by over 70%.

Proceeds from the issue of EEE will be used to purchase the most energy efficient mining units and to install the Oairo plant and technology.

The (Energy Efficient) Ethereum produced will in turn generate the source capital for installation finance of Oairo projects globally.

One of the goals of the program is to test and produce the “EEE Protocol” which will set the optimum standards, technology and know-how to mine Ethereum in the most energy efficient way.

No one needs to be told the challenge the world faces from climate change.

Nor probably, does any potential coin buyer need to be told about the vast amounts of energy crypto-mining consumes.

We can all agree that we need to be far more energy efficient in the mining and creation of coin.

The group behind Ethereum 2.0 realized this and the move from Proof of Work (POW) to Proof of Stake (POS) is an important one – but we need to do more – and we must adapt in the interim before 2.0 is fully launched.

EEE 2.0 LLP has partnered with Oairo to address this.

And we know we can make a difference.

Oairo has designed its patented technology into an established model of a co-location data center.

The results were outstanding.

Without the Oairo system it was estimated to consume 73 MW per annum – but once all of the Oairo energy efficiency measures were installed and run through the IES model (www.iesve.com) – it was reduced to just 19 MW – a savings of 73.9%.

What’s more, because the Oairo system was able to keep the temperature surrounding the servers at a constant 20 degrees Celsius, the processors were able to run that much faster and therefore more efficiently.

(Part 1 – Oairo)

Oairo is a patented and proven HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) technology that can reduce energy consumption for cooling in data centers and crypto-mines by over 70%.

For more information Oairo Technology:


For more information on the science behind Oairo technology:



(Part 2 – Energy Efficient Units)

The EEE team has sourced access to new Phoenix mining units from Linzhi. However, the build and transport of these units will take time.

In the meantime, EEE will purchase new and used AC10s to get initial traction.

The Phoenix miner is at least three times more energy efficient than the AC10, as well as being at least three times faster.

Multi-Layered Utility

When you purchase an EEE coin you are helping to:


Coin Launch

Launch of the EEE token will be done in a number of strategic stages at first, followed by a sequence of issues as and when Oairo project installation finance is required.

Total issue: 1,000,000,000 EEE tokens
Face value of $0.1

200mn Bonus Sale:
100mn@ 20% Bonus
50mn@ 15% Bonus
10mn@ 10% Bonus

Buy-Back Program

To incentivize long-term interest in EEE there will be an annual buy-back program active for 7 days.

This will be funded from the (Energy Efficient) Ethereum mined plus proceeds from Oairo installation finance which typically charges 8-12% interest per annum on 7-10 year loan contracts.


EEE’s founders have funded the purchase of the land, the first 100 computing units and the initial cash flow.

Proceeds from the issue of the EEE token will be used on three main items:

1. The installation of every element to optimize the site for the most efficient use of energy:

a) Oairo plant and technology

b) Optimal frame design

2. Purchase of energy efficient computing units. Approximately 70% of the remaining funds after the Oairo installation will be used to buy additional units.

3. The remainder will go towards installation finance for Oairo projects.

The group behind EEE is also launching their own exchange marketplace solely dedicated to counter climate-change tokens. This will be the launch platform for EEE.

This has a number of benefits for the launch of the EEE smart token, in particular for potential purchasers and holders of the EEE coin.

In addition, CCX will also be able to orchestrate an orderly market buy-back program, promoting further trust in the long-term integrity and value of the token.

By having a discrete launch platform CCX can ensure that discount prices are set for the chosen duration or amount.

For more information please visit: www.ccx.earth

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